Along with other units in the University, the College of Arts and Sciences is adopting a radical paradigm shift to continue delivering instruction using different modalities.
To address the diverse needs of students with or without access to stable internet connection, the college is adopting flexible learning starting this summer term. Prior to implementation, all programs’ content and pedagogies were reviewed and course syllabi were modified to suit the flexible delivery of instruction. These changes are reflected in the streamlined curriculum and the new instructional methodologies, learning activities and assessment tools. Faculty members were required to attend webinars to equip them with the skills to effectively implement these changes.
College dean Dr. Marietta B. Agustin said in a statement, “We are allocating the University’s resources so that we can put up the necessary support, be it in infrastructure or retooling of our faculty members so that we can cater to the diverse needs of students. We prioritize the students’ safety and we are committed in delivering quality education.”