Doctor of Medicine is a multidisciplinary field that involves basic sciences, clinical courses, clinical immersion, and exposure to the different departments of the base hospital within the community. The medical program utilizes a Traditional Integrated Outcomes-based Curriculum with close collaboration with the local community to prepare the students in providing quality service as they attend to the needs of the people within the community.
Medical doctors need exposure to actual cases, problems, and challenges that are commonly encountered in hospitals and local healthcare units in order for them to address and contribute to improving the quality of medical service rendered to the community. Case-based approach to learning is utilized wherein lectures start with a “trigger case” (clinical case) to stimulate interest in a particular subject matter followed by integration of relevant basic science and clinical science. Teaching methods also include problem-based learning where students will have a formal presentation to demonstrate the ties between clinical findings and basic science explanations. The Community provides an excellent teaching and learning experience where the students develop effective communication skills, enhance their knowledge and skills on the health status of the families and the community, and become experts in providing health care and education. Family and Community Medicine will supervise the Community Program. WU-P COM will have a close collaboration with the City Council of Cabanatuan and Barangay Officials to identify underserved communities where immersion will take place to serve the community. The integration of medical research into the curriculum will enable future professionals to look for innovative ways to improve medical education and patient care, in order to best serve our communities.
As future front liners in the delivery of quality health service and health education to the Filipino people, the students’ technical and soft skills will be developed by the program. These constitute Christian values, academic excellence, innovation, community focus, professionalism, and accountability.
Program Outcomes
- Demonstrate clinical competence
- Competently manages the clinical conditions of all patients in various settings
- Communicate effectively
- Can convey information, written and oral, across all types of audiences, venues, and media in a manner that can easily be understood
- Lead and manage healthcare teams
- Can Initiate planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation of programs and health facilities; provide clear directions, inspiration, and motivation to the healthcare team/ community
- Engage in research activities
- Utilizes current research evidence in decision-making as a practitioner, educator, or researcher; participates in research activities
- Collaborate within inter-professional teams
- Can effectively work in teams in managing patients, institutions, projects, and similar situations
- Utilize a systems-based approach to healthcare
- Utilizes a systems-based approach in the actual delivery of care; networks with relevant partners in solving general health problems
- Engage in continuing personal and professional development
- Updates oneself through a variety of avenues for personal and professional growth to ensure quality healthcare and patient safety
- Adhere to ethical, professional, and legal standards
- Adheres to national and international codes of conduct and legal standards that govern the profession
- Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism, and dedication to service
- Demonstrates a love for one’s national heritage, respect for other cultures, and commitment to service
- Practice the principles of social accountability
- Adheres to the principles of relevance, equity, quality, and cost-effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare to patients, families, and communities
- Adhere to Wesleyan ethos and spirituality
- Applies Wesleyan social principles and spirituality in the practice of their profession and in their service to the community