Scientific Review2023-06-06T00:00:00+00:00John Mark F. Bondoc, Journal Systems<p>Wesleyan Scientific Review (WSR) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal under the School of Leadership and Advanced Studies that publishes original, critically, and theoretically informed research that discusses, analyzes, and debates interdisciplinary issues and challenges. The journal publishes innovations, policies, best practices, new theories, and educational solutions from interdisciplinary perspectives that should belong to the defense of liberal and classical education, merging of piety and learning, peace and justice, climate change, indigenous people, gender studies, and cultural studies. The journal is open to all students, faculty researchers, and other professionals. It only publishes manuscripts in English. </p> <p><strong>The journal is published by the School of Leadership and Advanced Studies of Wesleyan University-Philippines. </strong><br /><br />Publishing in the journal is free of charge.</p><p>A brief message from the Editor-in-Chief.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review in Higher Education Amidst Health Crisis2023-05-30T05:30:17+00:00Glenn Guiradr_glennguira@yahoo.comFlorence Ganirdr_glennguira@yahoo.comMarjorie Fay Sta. Mariadr_glennguira@yahoo.comRoselie Aureliodr_glennguira@yahoo.comCarissa Balariadr_glennguira@yahoo.comWilfredo<p>The world confronts significant hurdles in the event of a pandemic such as COVID-19. The purpose of this research was to investigate the opportunities that nursing administrators faced in the Philippines' nursing education system. These findings were obtained via the use of an exploratory sequential mixed technique. Attendees included college of nursing administrators such as deans of nursing and clinical coordinators, RLE coordinators, and level coordinators of nursing education programs. This study used a questionnaire to determine the opportunities for nursing administrators and coordinators. Likewise, a semi-structured interview guide to acquire information from key informants on the pandemic's educational opportunities. During the COVID-19 epidemic, a survey was utilized to explore the many possibilities available to the respondents. Furthermore, a different approach was used to examine key informants' perspectives on nursing education opportunities qualitatively. The research made extensive use of theme analysis to uncover patterns in the ideas and emotions of the key informants. The study revealed that the three themes with the greatest frequency were professional growth, participation in webinars, research publishing, and learning. Nursing entrepreneurship was the other topic with the greatest frequency. Despite the widespread COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted everyone, several educational possibilities have been discovered. The fundamental ideas demonstrate that the ongoing health scenario does, in fact, have some favorable aspects.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review Language Approach and Modular Approach2023-05-30T05:31:58+00:00Louise Ruth<p>This study attempted to enhance the oral communication skills of the senior high school learners using the Communicative Language Approach to create opportunities for them to orally use the English language in various situations through technologies despite the implementation of Distance Learning Modality, which deprived the learners from interacting orally due to cancellation of the face-to-face classes. The researcher considered the Communicative Competence theory developed by Dell Hymes. The researcher employed quasi-experimental research to evaluate the effectiveness of the Communicative Language Approach as a strategy in teaching Oral Communication among Grade 11 students pursuing Technology, Vocational and Livelihood track as against the Modular Distance Learning. The researcher and teacher divided her Oral Communication class into two groups with comparable oral communication proficiency. The researcher conducted interviews with all TVL Cookery students and assessed them using the adopted Oral Communication Rubric. After the second grading, the respondents were interviewed for the posttest. The posttest mean of the control group improved by about one point as against compared with their pretest mean, while the posttest mean of the experimental group improved remarkably, gaining eight points compared with their pretest mean. The study offers the following findings: 1) both groups obtained “Very Satisfactory” oral communication proficiency skills for the pretest; 2) the experimental group obtained “Outstanding” in the posttest while the control group obtained “Very Satisfactory”; 3) the posttest scores of the control group are slightly higher than their pretest scores; 4) the posttest scores of the experimental group are significantly higher than their pretest scores.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review the Self-Leadership and Academic Performance of the Selected Students of Philippine Science High School – SOCCSKSARGEN Region Campus Students2023-05-30T05:39:28+00:00Bonifar Barulado,<p>Studies concerning self-leadership in college students have been explored, and academic performance through external assessments has been explored. Meanwhile, self-leadership among high school students concerning their academic performance should be studied to provide meaningful insight into their potential role as future leaders. The study looked at whether there is an association between self-leadership and academic performance among students at the Philippine Science High School - SOCCSKSARGEN Region Campus (PSHS-SRC). The abbreviated self-leadership questionnaire (ASLQ) gauged the levels of self-leadership of PSHS-SRC students and their academic performance through their general weighted average (GWA) of the second quarter of the school year 2021–2022. A T-test and ANOVA were used to determine the association between self-leadership and academic performance. With a mean score of 4.03, PSHS-SRC students have a generally high level of self-leadership, particularly in the domains of task motivation <em>(item 6; 4.20)</em> and constructive cognition <em>(item 7; 4.45). </em>Self-leadership scores of female students are higher than those of male students, but contrary to previous research, it was discovered that there is no association between self-leadership, age, grade level, and academic performance. It was interesting to note that the study was conducted on high school students rather than university students and professionals, which contradicted the results of the latter. Furthermore, the development of future school policies can use the research as a platform to build curricula and educational environments designed to display, highlight, and foster self-leadership among students to complement their academic performance.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review of Project-Based Assessment Activities in Learning Science2023-05-30T05:42:18+00:00Nanette Mendillomendillonanette@gmail.comEmmeline<p>Based on the outcome of the first to fourth quarter assessments, which served as the basis of the developed project-based learning activities, the researchers conducted this study due to the need to objectively evaluate student learning in Science courses. There is a noted deficiency in the scores as seen on the least mastered learning competencies for grade 10 students in Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in the public secondary schools of General M. Natividad. The study’s concentration was on the perceived effectiveness of the designed activities in Science courses. It was conducted within the jurisdiction of DepEd General M. Natividad, Division of Nueva Ecija. The respondents were 30 Science teachers of the six public secondary schools in the district, namely: Azarcon Integrated School, Mataas na Kahoy High School, Talabutab Norte National High School, Eduardo L. Joson Memorial High School, Virginia Dulay Integrated School, and General Mamerto National High School. The development of Project-Based Activities was based on the ADDIE model developed by the Center of Educational Technology, which has five steps specifically: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) The developed project-based learning activities in Science were found in 4 stages: Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation. (2) The developed project-based learning activities were believed to be effective, as the teachers strongly agreed with the parameters stated for each category. (3) The designed Science project-based learning activities were verified based on the evaluative ideas and recommendations of the validators. Recommendations and suggestions of the validators were incorporated into the development of project-based activities for learning Science.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review of E-Leadership among School Heads of the Schools Division of Cabanatuan in the New Normal2023-05-30T05:44:38+00:00Gilbert Riosgilbertrios88@gmail.comJacinta<p>This study focused on school heads' e-leadership skills in the new normal. Descriptive correlational research method was employed in describing the school head-respondents' general characteristics and e-leadership skills such as information and technology skills, communication skills, people handling skills and decision-making skills. The respondents were school heads from public school of the Schools Division of Cabanatuan, who have been in their positions since the beginning of the pandemic. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The results of this study reveal that majority of school head-respondents are at the age of 49 and above, females, married, Principal I, have master’s degree with doctorate’s units, with more than 10 years of experience as school head, use different gadgets such as smartphone, laptop and desktop computer and different platforms such Facebook Messenger, Google Meet, Zoom and MS Teams in leading teachers during the early year of pandemic, and with 6 and above number of e-leadership related trainings attended within the last three years. The data show no significant correlation between the profile variables, specifically age and sex, civil status, rank or position, and years in service as a school head. However, bachelor’s degree, highest educational attainment, gadgets used, and the number of e-leadership related trainings attended were positively correlated with e-leadership of the respondents. As the data implied, the respondents’ e-leadership was not significantly differed when grouped according to socio-demographic profile of the school heads such as age, sex, civil status, occupational rank/position, bachelor’s degree, years in service as a school head, gadgets used, and platforms regularly used. However, the highest educational attainment and number of e-leadership trainings attended by the respondents were significantly differed. Overall, the results show that school heads have with very high level of competency in terms of their e-leadership skills.</p>2023-05-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Wesleyan Scientific Review