with Level II Re-accreditation Status by ACSCU-ACI
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management is a four-year degree program related to the fields of hospitality and tourism education. It provides students the opportunity to become directly involved in managing and planning the tourism industry. This concentrates on courses such as National and International history, travel, language, and other cultural and heritage aspects. It gives students the opportunity to learn about and become specialists in the travel, tour, and hospitality sector, and it prepares them for a career in this fascinating, diversified, and developing profession.

The BS Tourism Management program has two areas of specialization:

  • Major in Travel Operations
  • Major in Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Events (MICE) Management

Program Outcomes:
The program aims to produce graduates who are able to:

  1. Demonstrate Knowledge of tourism industry, local tourism products and services
  2. Interpret and apply relevant laws related to tourism industry
  3. Observe and perform risk mitigation activities
  4. Utilize information technology applications for tourism and hospitality
  5. Manage and market a hospitality business organization
  6. Demonstrate administrative and managerial skills in hospitality and tourism industry
  7. Prepare and monitor hospitality and tourism financial transactions and reports
  8. Perform human capital development functions of a tourism-oriented organization
  9. Utilize various communication channels proficiently in dealing with guests and colleagues

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management will implement outcomes-based education and the curriculum map shows the expected program outcomes to be demonstrated for each of the courses. The components of the curriculum have been segmented based on clusters that will develop knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes from a general perspective to specific area.

  1. Common core. All the programs share a set of common core competencies. Under the general umbrella of Tourism and Hospitality, graduates of these programs possess a common set of core and specific competencies developed from the general education, business, and tourism/hospitality subjects (THC for Tourism and Hospitality Core)
  2. Professional Courses. These are required courses and deemed essential of study geared towards a specific discipline-tourism or hospitality whose competence can usually be measured against an established standard. (TPC for Tourism Professional Courses)
  3. Professional Elective. These are courses that a student can select from several alternatives of studies or enhancement that may lead to a specific focus. (TME for Tourism Management Electives)
  4. Specialization. For eligible HEIs to offer specialization, they may select electives for a particular track/course of study or major that offers advanced, technical, and specialized studies. (TRO for Travel operation major and MICE for Meeting incentives, conference, and events major)

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Major in Travel Operations program covers the study of various components focusing on the management, operations, and service delivery relevant to the travel and tourism industry. It encompasses technical, practical, and professional learning and application of skills with respect to specific areas such as travel agency management, tour arranging and planning, travel industry operations and procedures, tourism marketing and promotion strategies, travel counseling, travel industry law, international and domestic operations, and travel
and tourism policy.

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 114 units
THC 30 units
TPC 30 units
TRO 15 units
TME 18 units
BME 9 units
TM 9 units
RIZAL 3 units
Elective Courses: 6 units
TRO 6 units
Total Units: 17G units

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Major in Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Events (MICE) Management program covers the study of various components focusing on the management, operations, and service delivery relevant to the travel and tourism industry. It intends to bridge the requirements of the industry by providing programs that will enable the students to be globally competitive and academically prepared for professional events and similar ventures. The program aims to provide the necessary training for students in organizing and managing events, meetings, and congresses, with a particular focus on business tourism and the MICE sector (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions).

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 114 units
THC 30 units
TPC 30 units
TME 18 units
TM 9 units
MICE 15 units
BME 9 units
RIZAL 3 units
Elective Courses: 6 units
MICE OJT 6 units
Total Units: 17G units1

with Level III Re-accreditation Status by ACSCU-ACI
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management is a four-year program that prepares graduates to become global leaders and managers for major hospitality industry segments, by developing strategies that can be applied at the workplace: from running world-class front- to back-of-the-house operations, building guest relations, managing financial transactions, and creating marketing opportunities, to cultivating business ventures. The program’s goals and objectives will be met through innovative academic and research initiatives and activities aimed at improving quality of life, business success, collaborations, partnerships, creative ways, and ethical conduct.

The BS in Hospitality Management program in the College has three active areas of specialization:

  • Major in Culinary and Kitchen Operations
  • Major in Hotel and Restaurant Administration
  • Major in Cruise Line Operation

Program Outcomes:
The program aims to produce graduates who can:

  1. Demonstrate Knowledge of tourism industry, local tourism products and services
  2. Interpret and apply relevant laws related to tourism industry
  3. Observe and perform risk mitigation activities
  4. Utilize information technology applications for tourism and hospitality
  5. Manage and market a hospitality business organization
  6. Demonstrate administrative and managerial skills in hospitality and tourism industry
  7. Prepare and monitor hospitality and tourism financial transactions and reports
  8. Perform human capital development functions of a tourism-oriented organization
  9. Utilize various communication channels proficiently in dealing with guests and colleagues


The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management will implement outcomes-based education and the curriculum map shows the expected program outcomes to be demonstrated for each of the courses. The components of the curriculum have been segmented based on clusters that will develop knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes from a general perspective to specific area.

  1. Common core. All the programs share a set of common core competencies. Under the general umbrella of Tourism and Hospitality, graduates of these programs possess a common set of core and specific competencies developed from the general education, business, and tourism/hospitality subjects (THC for Tourism and Hospitality Core)
  2. Professional Courses. These are required courses and deemed essential of study geared towards a specific discipline-tourism or hospitality whose competence can usually be measured against an established standard. (HPC for Hospitality and Professional Core))
  3. Professional Elective. These are courses that a student can select from several alternatives of studies or enhancement that may lead to a specific focus. (Hospitality Management Electives)
  4. Specialization. For eligible HEIs to offer specialization, they may select electives for a particular track/course of study or major that offers advanced, technical, and specialized studies. (CKO for Culinary and Kitchen Operations, CLO for Cruiseline Operations, HRA for Hotel and Restaurant Administration)

The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management major in Culinary and Kitchen Operations provides foundation and specialization study in the Culinary Arts and Food Service field through academic, laboratory, and industry internship experiences. The Program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the students to ensure efficiency and quality product preparation and service in the food service setting. The program is designed in two depth areas in the culinary field: operations and management, which is to prepare students for employment in a variety of food production and restaurant positions in the growing food service field.

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 123 units
THC 30 units
HPC 30 units
HME 18 units
CKO 33 units
BME 9 units
RIZAL 3 units
Elective Courses: 6 units
CKO 6 units
Total Units: 188 units

The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management major in Hotel and Restaurant Administration provides foundation and specialization study in the Hotel Management field through academic, laboratory, and field internship experiences. The program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the students to ensure efficiency and to prepare the students to be supervisors in the Hospitality industry. The program is designed in two depth areas in the Hotel field operations and management, which is to prepare students for employment in a variety of hotel positions in the growing hotel field.

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 117 units
THC 30 units
HPC 27 units
HME 18 units
HRA 27 units
BME 12 units
RIZAL 3 units
Elective Courses: 6 units
HRA 6 units
Total Units: 182 units

The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management major in Cruise line operations program provides foundation and specialization study in the Cruise line field through academic, laboratory, and field internship experiences. The Program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the students to ensure efficiency and to prepare the students to be practitioners and supervisors in the Cruise Line industry. The program is designed in two-depth areas in the Cruise Line Operations: operations and management, which is to prepare students for employment in a variety of hotel positions in the growing cruise line operations.

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 123 units
THC 30 units
HPC 30 units
HME 18 units
CLO 33 units
BME 9 units
RIZAL 3 units
Elective Courses: 6 units
CLO 6 units
Total Units: 188 units
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (BSND) is a four-year program that develops students to be globally competitive professionals, with relevant competencies in three areas of nutrition: hospital, community, and food service, integrating academic and clinical knowledge and skills through excellence in teaching and the development of proper values and attitudes, in the exercise of the profession to answer the changing needs of the society. The BSND program utilizes a Traditional Integrated Outcomes-based Curriculum with close collaboration to the local community to prepare the students in providing quality service as they attend to the needs of the people within the community. As future frontliners in the delivery of quality health service and nutrition education to the Filipino people, the students’ technical and soft skills will be developed by the program. These constitute Christian values, academic excellence, innovation, community focus, professionalism, and accountability.

Program Outcomes
The program aims to produce graduates who are able to:

  1. Promote the role of nutrition and dietetics for human well-being in relation to the needs, resources and potentials of individuals, groups, and families.
  2. Practice comprehensive nutritional care for the total wellness of individuals in a multidisciplinary and multi-cultural setting.
  3. Integrate nutrition concerns with local and national development efforts.
  4. Manage nutrition programs for individuals, groups, and institutions.
  5. Manage a foodservice unit in hospital or other settings.
  6. Implement an economically viable activity related to nutrition and dietetics.
  7. Design and/or conduct a scientific study on food, nutrition, and related topics.
  8. Uphold ethical standards of the profession.
  9. Engage in lifelong learning activities.

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (BSND) is a four-year program that develops students to be globally competitive professionals, with relevant competencies in three areas of nutrition: hospital, community, and food service, integrating academic and clinical knowledge and skills through excellence in teaching and the development of proper values and attitudes, in the exercise of the profession to answer the changing needs of the society. The program is also a good preparation for medicine, because of the inclusions of clinical nutrition and hospital practicum.

At the end of the 4-year course, the graduate would have acquired knowledge, skills and attitude of a Licensed Dietician and Nutritionist. After passing the Licensure Examination for Nutrition and Dietetics, the graduates can pursue the following Career Opportunities:

  • Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian in Clinical Settings or Hospitals
  • Sports Nutritionist designing nutrition program for International and National Athletes, and Professional Players
  • Nutritionist-Dietitian in Foodservice establishments like in Hotels, Restaurants, Airlines, Cruise Ship.
  • Research Nutritionist-Dietitian in Research Laboratories, Manufacturing Firms, Testing Kitchens, and Government Research Institutes
  • Academe Nutritionist-Dietitian mentoring and training future nutritionist-dietitians.
  • Entrepreneurial Nutritionist-Dietitian owning Foodservice Establishment or running own Nutrition and Wellness Clinic

Curricular Map

Institutional Courses: 5G units
GEC 24 units
GEE 9 units
PE 8 units
NSTP 6 units
LIT 3 units
CE 9 units
Core and Prof. Courses: 127 units
NPC 57 units
SFC 34 units
ELECTIVE 1 9 units
PRACTICUM 1 24 units
RIZAL 3 units
Total Units: 186 units